8951 Microcontroller Robotic Car Project
Robotic Car is a miniature prototype
car powered by batteries whose various movements can be control either
manually or automatically, or the combination of both. Here the command
is given through keyboard; it would have been better if we used IR
remote control or something of that kind rather than using keyboard for
commanding. However, by realizing the complexities we have made simple
using keyboard.
Block diagram of the project:
Some photographs of this model:
Robotic car model
Robotic car model
Project Description:
Keyboard section:
There are six switches in this section. They are
- Turn left.
- Turn right.
- Stop.
- About turn.
- Park left.
- Park right.
Circuit diagram of keyboard is shown bellow.
Keyboard circuit of the Robotic car
Car section:
There are many sub sections in this section. They are
are using a 5V dc motor to drive the vehicle. The speed of the vehicle
and its strength is controlled by the proper use of pulley. The rear
wheel of the vehicle is connected to this motor through a pulley. This
motor is meant for moving the vehicle both in forward and backward
direction. Microcontroller (8051) controls the forward and backward movement of the vehicle in the following manner:
Circuit diagram of Motor connection
in the above circuit, T1, T2, T3, T4 are the NPN power transistor
(2N3055). A0, A1, A2, A3 are the signals coming from the micro
controller. With the specific combination of A0, A1, A2, A3 we can
change the direction of rotation of motor as follows:
Case I: When A0=high; A3=high; & A1=low; A2=lowThe motor rotates in clockwise direction
Case II: When A0=low; A3=low; & A1=high; A2=high
The motor rotates in anti-clockwise direction
Case III: When A0=low; A3=low; A1=low; A2=low
The motor stops the rotation.
Via: http://electrofriends.com